5 things to consider when planning a getaway with family and friends

Plan a getaway with family and friends

Invite Your Friends That Get Along With Your Family When Planning A Getaway With Family And Friends - Club Med Singapore

1. Invite your friends that get along with your family

Come Up With A Checklist When Planning A Getaway With Family And Friends - Club Med Singapore

2. Come up with a checklist

Take Into Account Everyone’s Food And Drink Preferences When Planning A Getaway With Family And Friends - Club Med Singapore

3. Take into account everyone’s food and drink preferences

Learn Local Hotspots And Delicacies If You Are Travelling Abroad With Family And Friends - Club Med Singapore

4. Learn local hotspots and delicacies if you are travelling abroad

Utilise An App Which Everyone Can Communicate In When Planning A Getaway With Family And Friends - Club Med Singapore

5. Utilise an app which everyone can communicate in